牙買加打算無限期禁止海參作業牙買加農漁部宣布,在沒有真正有效的管理方案問世前,打算無限期禁止海參作業。另外,除了禁止鯊魚割鰭棄身之外,還公信用卡代償布海蟹作業規範、在特定區域禁止雙拖網及地曳網作業。該部今年將由漁業管理及發展基金提撥3,900萬美元,進行漁業的行銷、職訓及復育工作;其中2,200資產管理公司萬美元作為行銷及推廣、漁民團體職訓及興建硬體設施之用;餘1,700萬美元則用於設立提供漁業優選種魚的育卵所。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 帛琉11/2012,15 June 2012)The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries intends to impose an indefinite closed season on sea cucumber fishing 信用貸款until a proper management regime is put in place and additionally, ban shark fining, promulgate regulations for the harvesting of marine 賣房子crab, ban pair trawling, as well as, beach seine in certain areas. The Ministry will be spending some US$39 million on marketing, 資產管理公司training and rehabilitation initiatives in the fisheries sector this year. Through resources from the Fisheries Management and 代償Development Fund, some US$ 22 million will be allocated to undertake a marketing and promotion drive, training and capacity building of 機車借款fish-farmer groups. An addition US$ 17 million will go towards rehabilitating the hatchery/nursery facility at the aquaculture branch to 建築設計provide quality seed stock for the industry.

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